Here, we can find the different versions and different operating systems for Java - I have here two versions or two types of files I can download - the DMG file or the Compressed Archive file.
#Npm android emulator mac install
Here, we will find the different Java versions and the latest version is SE 15, but I will install the Java SE 11 (LTS) version, which is the long-term support or the stable version, and then I will click on the "JDK download".

We will open our browser, in my case, it's Google Chrome and here I will search "java JDK download" and click on the first link, which will redirect to the Oracle website. We will start with the first thing that we should install, which is Java JDK. In this video, we will install all the prerequisites or the dependencies that are required to run Appium on macOS. Chapter 11.2 - Configure and Run GitHub Actions with Appium